SIMSBURY, CT – The 33rd annual Simsbury Fly-In, Car Show & Food Truck Festival scheduled for Sept. 15 at Simsbury Airport was abruptly canceled today after “much thought, consideration and deliberation,” according to an afternoon post on the event’s Facebook page.
“Over the coming months, we’ll be doing a lot of work in the background to work on bringing you another event (or events) that you will be equally proud of attending,” the post added. “Thank you ALL for the support you’ve shown our little community airport over the past many years and we’ll hopefully see you again next year.”
The sudden announcement quickly generated dozens of comments from private airplane owners and classic car enthusiasts who were saddened by the news.

In a subsequent post, Simsbury Airport president and manager Brad Griswold provided context behind the decision to cancel this year’s event:
“(E)veryone here is a volunteer, myself included – no one collects a dime doing what they do here. Unless folks are retired, we all have full time jobs to make ends meet just like anyone else,” he wrote.
“The Fly-In … required hours and hours every week all year long, procuring sponsorships, booking seminars and exhibitors, coordinating with town officials, vendors etc.”
Griswold noted the passing last year of key volunteer Bill Thomas had a large impact. “(H)e was a huge part of helping to make the Fly-In each year. While many folks valiantly worked to fill in for what he did, replacing someone with as much knowledge, and frankly, free time was just too much to ask.”
Griswold added, “We love the Fly-In. We’re also thoroughly exhausted. We’ll be back, maybe not in the same form, but we’ll be back.”

(Photos from the 2017 Simsbury Fly-In by Bob Rosen)